Sunday 28 August 2011

August 2011

It's a bit embarrassing being a Brit at the minute. Greece is about to go bust because of all the cut backs and real hardship suffered by the people. The people of Syria are being murdered by the presidents forces, the same happened in Yemen and Libya is just finishing off it's civil war aided by the US, Britain, France and Italy's military might. 
The cause of the British rioter earlier this month was different.  They wanted stuff.  They weren't interested in politics, their future or putting food on the table.  They only wanted LCD televisions, mobile phones and trainers.  
There is something unpleasant in British society. We don't seem to have close knit families and so our kids can easily run riot.  I was no angel myself as a kid. Would I have joined the rioters if I was 16 again? Hmm maybe if I lived in London or Birmingham.
I guess it shows Britain is still up there with the rest of the countries facing economic collapse.  Our debt is astronomical and quite possibly the highest debt to GDP in the world.  I'm not sure why things haven't popped earlier to be honest, but maybe Greece or Spain will be the catalyst in the coming weeks.  I say weeks because I honestly can't see how Greece can weather the storm. They've got no money and nobody wants to lend to them.
They do have 100 tonnes of gold however.

1 TONNE of Copper
A couple of people have asked if I can sell them a tonne of copper bars.  Yes!  It will take time to get the copper and it's probably best to have them unpolished to keep the cost down.  Prices will go up and down because of the price of copper but if you're thinking of stashing a tonne of copper then the price would probably be £10,000 before shipping.
If you live in Britain it'll probably be easy enough to send by courier on a palette.
I wouldn't expect looters or house invaders to make off with 1 tonne of copper unless they bring a truck.  : )

1/2 Oz Britannia
I thought these Britainnia's were interesting because I phoned the Royal Mint which produces the Britainnia coins and they aren't selling them. They are from the Mint that is certain, so I have a feeling this may turn out to be a rare coin.  I have 10 for sale.

1/10" Oz Koala  
I got these because, and excuse me if I'm going all 'Road Warrior', but if an economic collapse happened and you needed to trade, a 1 Oz pure silver coin would be so valuable how would you exchange it?  You'd be able to buy 50 loaves of bread for instance but if you need 2 loaves of bread, toilet paper and coal for instance, you'll be over paying.
A 1/10th Oz coin is a lot easier to trade with.

Plus, they make nice gifts for people with new born babies.  : )

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